Incorporating Solar Power Into Your Home


Did you know that Jim Zengel is a certified Green Professional? What this means is that he incorporates green and sustainable building principles into his projects without it increasing the cost. The required courses for this certification provide an extensive knowledge of green building products. One of these products is solar panels. However, there are a few things you should consider before deciding to install solar panels on your house.

First you need to consider how much you are actually paying for each kilowatt-hour of electricity. With solar panels you basically have a mini power plant on your roof that replaces your old power plant. If you have a high electricity rate than solar panels will probably save you money. This solar calculator can help you determine just how much money solar panels might save you. It incorporates local data to customize the estimate for you.

You will also need to look at the cost on installing solar panels. Prices can vary significantly depending on the type of equipment you use and quality of panels. You should also research to see if you would be eligible for any solar incentives or rebates. The Federal Government also has a federal income tax credit which can help you get back some of the costs for equipment and installation. These can help reduce the overall cost.

Also, don’t worry even though you might not live in Florida you will still have enough power for you home. Sunny days will produce more solar energy, but panels can still draw energy even if it is cloudy, indirect or diffused sunlight still provides power for your home.

If you want to start incorporating solar power into your home but you’re not quite ready for panels, you can also look into installing outdoor lights, grills, patio fountains, garden decorations, speakers, water heaters, and more. 


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